Sleep Consultation

What Does a Sleep Consultant Do?

We work closely with the family as a whole, as you are the one guiding your little one through sleep. We will discuss your child’s background and sleep environment as well as speak with you about your child’s unique sleep needs. We will help to adjust schedules, if appropriate, and help you learn your child’s natural schedule and awake windows. We are also here to support YOU! Your sleep matters and we want you to feel rested again!

You May Benefit From a Sleep Consultant If…

  • Your child has frequent night wakings

  • Your child takes short naps

  • Your child has limited methods of soothing to sleep

  • Your child is overtired and generally irritable

  • Your child is going through a sleep regression

  • You just want to establish a good sleep foundation as your child grows!

  • Email only session - $50

    Don’t have time for a phone call? This email only session is great for busy caregivers! We will analyze your intake forms and formulate an email with an analysis of your child’s sleep and recommendations. Keep in mind that this is only one email.

  • Single session - $125

    This 60 minute call includes review of your intake forms, recommendations for your little one’s sleep, and a follow up email with a summary of recommendations.

  • Weekly package - coming soon!

    If you are interested, please contact us for details and/or to be on a waitlist!

Who is your sleep consultant?

Jen, the owner of Special Tots, became a certified pediatric sleep consultant in February 2023. Jen decided to pursue her certification as many clients she worked with had sleep concerns as well. Sleep is an area that affects overall development so it only made sense to add this to her knowledge base to best serve her clients. Jen was trained by My Sweet Sleeper, who takes a developmental approach to sleep and takes each child’s unique sleep needs into consideration with their sleep plan. Jen is so excited to add this service to Special Tots. Sleep consultation is available to ALL children who may have a need, no matter where you are located!


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